Ripit after mi
Ripit after mi


Not even the sunspots on the sun itself can replace the marks left on tanaddicts lats and glutimus maximus contract the trix for us and fix the forest and bays. Prothemious seemed to vest all the indenture in to adventure cream and kaluha with ice and you know the rest dooders! The bass reappears during BOND with new peach fuzz and the rhythm is tighter than a monkey's magnet, and Akyroyd on Dragnet would say just the facts mam, but then there would be so much friggin spam you would have to reboot several times over time out to the supersonics, and occult fronts settled in by Percinators outlandish tremelo and distortoise the sea turtle inn is looking for vacancies and alas the ending to BOND was worse than the ending to Jane Fonda's workout video for anorexic tanaddicts.

ripit after mi

Jason and the Argonauts covered BOND and wow did they ever do a hecuva job nailing the creshendo act. He is better at singing difficult covers than his own nasty punk diddies. Stripped down, and nice vocals by JO(JoEngli)SH. Stripped anew she bent down and saw the pollution seeping out from the gentleman's eye and his other eye was a far cry from righteous but erroneous would be too nice to say the least at least she would have gas in her car but how far to get.

ripit after mi

Another side note here- The bass was gone for the Beck cover. AAAAH hah says the rabbi, but the portal has developed a pig-sty and Pig Pen is out of Den and pOOt works for Ken and Len, so now what is the MATTER? Moving on to groovy gravy is the Only way see and one more time to hear Roxy Music kicks ass, but it is retro not old or new pollution just add solution to strengthen your hold and crease and fold and tear the dotted line and rip it up on the B3 incline. Thus vindicating himself from the righteous Theocrites of the world. Yes it is the only way this old grey guacho can succeed in his mission to squish the squash and mash the mosh pit detergent morsel indicators. The Only Way The Only Way the lonely grey man rides atop a scraggily old horse with his compadre beside him, and he rides boldly onto incoming protractors circling the fetus of the sky that is developing baby wipes from the troposphere. The Cubbies will rise again because it is the Only Way. yes Marty Bears do shit in the woods, but not in the desert, mi amigo, oh no, for grainy rubies have no worth inside the soul. Yes deeeeeeep in the ghostly desert of his mind only the camel toes can tickle the forensic foreskin to deliver a quiver of hope in the destitute land of Krusader Basketball Camp. Far far far far far aweigh in the desert away from the war and immigrants there is yet another struggle of one man to juggle the torment in his mind only to find the derogatory statements that continue to spray like bundi after fatz feeds her too much bacon.


Perfect Soul has the curviest charcoal gyration that side of the cardigan huevos retreat, but at the end of the beginning there is a 4 wood over the driver to detonate crispy creme diver Rupaul soupy gall to start off the disco ball get outta the shitter stall y'all the Paggi is a rockin' you outta yer stockin' ambesol to counter the kanker in your yapper. At least the drummer had the courtesy to introduce the band after a few beats. once again, and I am stuck doing a basic skills test to see if I can get a real job and quit kissing these guys' asses, so I can play the organ. Hollander's bass lines are getting stomped by the Percinator and I guess I had to be there. Perfect soled more like it Rasputin, and kitty coctails run out of cherry flava favorite flava cherry red.

ripit after mi

Is this the Moving Madder? jjPears sounds downright POed and I am not talking Edgar Allen's cousin after a few to many absynth coctails. archival arch rivals basketball on nintendo re-speed the playlist- addition by subtraction and mongoloidian rapture.

ripit after mi


Lets start it out with a nice side note: The chipmunk matter is in full effect jonezy.

Ripit after mi